February 27, 2013

Wishlist part one - Shoes

I gathered some things I've wanted for a while now and I got effin' 16 pictures. So I thought it would be better to split my wishlist into three parts. So here is some shoe styles/trends, which please my eye very much. :3

Flatform sneakers

I've been drooling over flatform sneakers for a long time, but I haven't found the perfect pair yet. The ones above are pretty close, but white shoes get dirty looking fast.

Peep-toe wedges

Would be so perfect for summer! I can think of so many outfits to wear with these. ~

 Ahh.. What do you call these kind of shoes? Strapped wedges? Anyways! These would be perfect for clubbing. 

Thats all for this part. Peace out!

Part Two - Clothes! 

Pictures from:  Maxstar, YesStyle, Polyvore

February 24, 2013

Words don't always come easy.

Yoh! I decided to do a blog again for my own nasty pleasure. I wan't to keep up with myself, my taste, my style and my wants. They change too often and I forget cool things too often. :D
Yess, the blog name is straight from the B.A.P's song, though it's clumsily translated as "Rain sound" in Youtube. I'm a proud, hardcore BABY. ;)

Yeah soo.. Last time I had a blog, my expectations were too high. No, I didn't expect to have 10000 readers from the day one or to have my email full of sponsor emails. :D I had too high expectations on myself and my skills and I also wanted my blog to be "perfect". I wanted to post at least once a week. I wanted my layout to be supercool, hq and look like me or smth. I wanted my posts to be entertaining and interesting and not too plain, short, boring or whatever a bad blogpost is. After a few weeks I lost my interest in the whole thing and thought that well, maybe this isn't for me. That was approx a year ago.

Now I'm much more wiser. This time I'm going to write in English and when I feel like it. When I got something to write. I'm also going to be more laid back with this and not take this too seriously, maybe not seriously at all. :D

Anyways I'm going to give this hassle a shot. Time will show if this really is for me or not. Lets hope for the best, aight? ;)