Helloo! Here is an review from the start of January, I didn't have enough time to finish this review then, but now I did ! I'm sorry for this review-spree, I didn't plan this ahead! I promise this is the last review for a while!
The product I'm reviewing is Tony Molys Changing U Magic Foot Peeling Shoes. I'm not using the usual form for these, because this product was a real experience for me. My mom also tested these, so I'm including some of her opinions about these as well.
For starters here is the description and instructions from the package:
"These peeling shoes designed for removing foot calluses help make the rough skin on your foot feel clean and smooth. These peeling shoes contain AHA extract obtained from apples, lemons and grapes, which gently remove excessive calluses from your feet. It also contains aloe vera and rose hip oil, which moisturize and soothe your feet's skin. The active ingredient of spring water helps relax your tired feet."
"1. Put sheets on your feet. 2. Keep both sheets on your feet and wait until your foot skin absorbs the liquid. (it takes approximately 1 to 1.5 hours) 3. Take off the sheets and wash your feet until the peeling liquid is thoroughly rinsed away. 4. In 4 to 6 days, the dead cells will naturally start falling off from your feet."
Pretty simple.
I put the socks on the night between 3rd and 4th of January and had them on for the maximum time, which is an hour and a half. At first the socks smelled like acetone or some cheap hairspray or
like a combination of both. Luckily it toned down while I was wearing
them. Wierd though, my moms socks didn't smell as bad as mine.
While I was wearing the socks, I had tingly, cool and warm sensations on my feet and it got me thinking my feet are going to fall off or something.
Well, they didn't fall off, but when I rinsed the liquid from my feet, the water stinged and felt burning hot, even though it was lukewarm.
While unpatiently waiting for my feet skin to start peeling off, I thought that my feet will take forever to start peeling off and then I thought that they will never start peeling off and my feet are retarded. After a long long wait, the skin started peeling off on the 8th of January!! Yeah, about four days is not a long wait and it was just as promised, but it felt like two weeeks!
Here is a picture of my feet on the first day after taking a shower. Warning, the picture is really gross.
My feet in the picture is just the beginning. The skin of my whole sole peeled off little by little, but I didn't remember to take more photos of the process. Anyways, the skin on my feet kept peeling off for total about 2 weeks, but the most rapid peeling happened on the first week. I wore socks almost 24/7 on the first week, otherwise there would have been my feet scraps everywhere. The second week was pretty tame, nothing extraordinary.
So, whats the result? After the peeling stopped, my feet felt really soft and smooth and my calluses were still there, but they were much softer. Maybe if you use these regularly, the calluses will go away? I read somewhere, that it's best to use these once in a month or so. Oh and btw, my feet and my heel are still, a month later, pretty soft.
I don't recommend walking around too much while wearing these, for they are pretty
slippery and you have to be careful, that they don't break. They are
suprisingly thick and durable feeling though. Also the socks are pretty
big, so I believe they will fit most feet sizes! My mom has European size 39 feet and she had plenty of room in the socks.
I really liked these and I already actually repurchased, one pair for myself and one for my mom. Many other brands have these kinds of socks and I'm going to try another brand next time, because I'm curious if there is any difference between them!
To sum it up: They work, a lot of my skin peeled off and my feet got softer but smell a bit bad and my calluses didn't go anywhere.
February 21, 2014
February 20, 2014
Review : Etude House Color Lips-Fit in Fantasy Fit Pink (#PK003)
Heyya! I got my TesterKorea order today and I wanted to blog about Etude Houses Color Lips-Fit in PK003 asap! Apparently this color is Sulli's pick, but I didn't know about it until like now haha! Great choize, Sulli. (Pun intended) I will make a post about the haul later!
Description: "This is a revolutionary liquid type Lipstick that moistly glides onto lips with its vivid color and finishes off with a weightless powdery texture."
How to use: I think everyone knows how to use a lip products, but you have to shake this one before use. I think it's rather interesting.
Packaging: The packaging is very Etude Houseish, simple but still cute. The English text in the package was at the side with a wild pattern, so it was pretty hard to read it.
It has a flat doe foot applicator, which works for me pretty well.
Consistency: The liquid lipstick is indeed liquid. It seems a little bit thin, but it has a lot of pigment, so you don't even need a thick layer of it. The consistency of this reminds me a little of Etude Houses Fresh Cherry liptints, until it dries up. The dried up finish is indeed powdery, like the description says and it made my lips feel very smooth and silky.
Smell: This liquid lipstick has a very strong fregrance, which reminds me of some cherry candies. The smell is very very sweet and the cherry smell is very artificial. It's even worse than Etude Houses Fresh Cherry liptints! So beware.
My Experience: My lips were in a quite good condition when I applied this, so it was easy to spread evenly. I think it dried my lips a little and I don't think this is good to apply to even a slightly dry lips. This one doesn't stain too much, or atleast I can't see any stain on my lips. Might not be the case with other colors (esp. the bolder ones) or if you have naturally light-colored lips. It stained my hand when I swatched though and it was a bit hard to get the stain off. I have to try this with a lip concealer!
It only lasted for about an hour to half an hour on my lips, but mostly because I was eating popcorn and drinking water almost right after I applied. :'D (To my defense, I was watching the Olympics and there was this very exciting mens hockey game, Finland vs. Russia !! Might as well call us Winland)
The Summary: I think this liquid lipstick is pretty good. It's like a better version of Etude Houses Rosy Tint Lips, a pigmented matte finish, but with an better applicator and consistency!
Repurchase? Yes, I kind of want to try the other colors, but I don't know if I can ever afford to buy more of these haha!
Rating: 4/5 !
Description: "This is a revolutionary liquid type Lipstick that moistly glides onto lips with its vivid color and finishes off with a weightless powdery texture."
How to use: I think everyone knows how to use a lip products, but you have to shake this one before use. I think it's rather interesting.
Had some problems with the focus, but no can do!
Packaging: The packaging is very Etude Houseish, simple but still cute. The English text in the package was at the side with a wild pattern, so it was pretty hard to read it.
It has a flat doe foot applicator, which works for me pretty well.
One layer in outdoor lighting.
Smell: This liquid lipstick has a very strong fregrance, which reminds me of some cherry candies. The smell is very very sweet and the cherry smell is very artificial. It's even worse than Etude Houses Fresh Cherry liptints! So beware.
My Experience: My lips were in a quite good condition when I applied this, so it was easy to spread evenly. I think it dried my lips a little and I don't think this is good to apply to even a slightly dry lips. This one doesn't stain too much, or atleast I can't see any stain on my lips. Might not be the case with other colors (esp. the bolder ones) or if you have naturally light-colored lips. It stained my hand when I swatched though and it was a bit hard to get the stain off. I have to try this with a lip concealer!
It only lasted for about an hour to half an hour on my lips, but mostly because I was eating popcorn and drinking water almost right after I applied. :'D (To my defense, I was watching the Olympics and there was this very exciting mens hockey game, Finland vs. Russia !! Might as well call us Winland)
Repurchase? Yes, I kind of want to try the other colors, but I don't know if I can ever afford to buy more of these haha!
Rating: 4/5 !
February 19, 2014
Dresslily Review ~
Helllo ~ ! Today I'm going to review Dresslily.com ! I got a package from them about two weeks ago and here is what I got:
I love the sweater, it's awesome. Just what I have been looking for a while. I love the details in the print and the kind of worn out stripes are so cool. The fabric is quite thin, so I can wear this at summer too !
I'd say the quality is quite good. No loose threads hanging, but the collar, cuffs and the hem(?) fabric is not doubled. Like usually my all sweaters has this fabric doubled but this doesn't and makes it feel and look abit bad, but maybe it is intended? Dunno!
The faux-leather skirt is very cute, but a bit too short for me. But but I can wear shorts under it to avoid flashing. The quality is good with this one!
The necklace is also awesome and it's a perfect addition to my jewelry collection! ~ It feels sturdy and the spikes are not plastic yaay! Almost every spike necklace that I own is made of plastic and I'm always afraid of accidentally breaking them. >.< I had problems opening and closing the lock at first, but it has kind of loosened now, so it's managable.
The shipping didn't take too long, about a month with a few holidays in between. I don't think it's bad, but then again I'm very patient when it comes to waiting for my stuff to arrive.
I think these thingies go well together so I made an outfit with these!
Thank you Dresslily ~
I love the sweater, it's awesome. Just what I have been looking for a while. I love the details in the print and the kind of worn out stripes are so cool. The fabric is quite thin, so I can wear this at summer too !
I'd say the quality is quite good. No loose threads hanging, but the collar, cuffs and the hem(?) fabric is not doubled. Like usually my all sweaters has this fabric doubled but this doesn't and makes it feel and look abit bad, but maybe it is intended? Dunno!
The faux-leather skirt is very cute, but a bit too short for me. But but I can wear shorts under it to avoid flashing. The quality is good with this one!
The necklace is also awesome and it's a perfect addition to my jewelry collection! ~ It feels sturdy and the spikes are not plastic yaay! Almost every spike necklace that I own is made of plastic and I'm always afraid of accidentally breaking them. >.< I had problems opening and closing the lock at first, but it has kind of loosened now, so it's managable.
The shipping didn't take too long, about a month with a few holidays in between. I don't think it's bad, but then again I'm very patient when it comes to waiting for my stuff to arrive.
I think these thingies go well together so I made an outfit with these!
Close up ~
Thank you Dresslily ~
February 16, 2014
Pictures of my January (and last week)
Heeyeye! I wanted to make a post of what I did while I was on an small hiatus. Even though I was really focused on school that time, other stuffs happened too and I want to share some pictures I took while I was gone. Quality isn't that great, for I took these with my phone in various lightings. I have posted a few of these on Instagram too, so don't look at the sidebar on the right while scrolling. ;D
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Funland is beautiful sometimes. |
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I attented a funeral for the first time in my life. Outfit of that day. |
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PSX and GTA2 ♥ |
February 15, 2014
Quick Update: New Shoes ~
Hey guys! How was your Valentines Day? I hope you received lots of love !
I recieved love from my mom in the form of shoes!
I went shopping with her and found these awesome shoes and she decided to buy these for me! Thank you mom, I love you. ♡
Actually I found these from a local supermarket called Prisma. They were on sale, -50% off the original price, which was about 69,95€. Not bad, right?
Sometimes you can find great stuff from suprising places and I don't think it matters where you buy your clothes/shoes/accessories as long as they look good and fit your style or needs.
I spent my Valentines Day studying, hanging around with my mom and also saw my boyfriend for a while. Not so romantic or special, but there are 364 other days in a year to be romantic. Even though I'm not a romantic person hahah!
Don't mind the typos that this post may contain! I decided to try the Blogger app, that I have had unused on my phone for a while. I think I wont use this app often in the future, because this is very clumsy. Adding pictures sucks even more than with the actual Blogger.
Soo yeah. I feel like post is a bit messy, so it's better to end it here! Seeya ~
February 13, 2014
I'm Alive!
Heya guys! At last, I'm back! Yaay! I was really busy last month, so I didn't have time to blog. At all. I also had to have a few weeks to rest and get used to my practical training and other minor life changes. Anyways, I'm sorrrry for being such a bad blogger!
Anyway, the reason for my absense was school. At some point I had three projects and their deadlines were on the same week (last week actually), but luckily somebody at my class whined about the third project and the deadline was moved. One of the projects stressed me out most, my thesis. It was absolutely horrible. I couldn't focus and it was really hard to get some parts of it done. At some point in the making, my only goal was to pass. I wasn't and still I'm not satisfied with it, but atleast I presumably passed.
Because I really hated doing my thesis, I started thinking about my future and what I want to do with my life. Now, I finally have some kind of plan and a dream. Sounds cheesy, I know. But it feels nice to have a clear goal in life and I also have noticed that I get a lot more useful things done nowadays!
I started studying for matriculation last weekend and most of my time goes studying now, but I'll try to blog more often anyways! I think I wont be sane in May, if I don't do other things besides studying.
So yeap, thats all this time. I'll just end this with a selca I took yesterday. Take a good look at it and try to get used to seeing my face more often!
Buh Bye ~
Anyway, the reason for my absense was school. At some point I had three projects and their deadlines were on the same week (last week actually), but luckily somebody at my class whined about the third project and the deadline was moved. One of the projects stressed me out most, my thesis. It was absolutely horrible. I couldn't focus and it was really hard to get some parts of it done. At some point in the making, my only goal was to pass. I wasn't and still I'm not satisfied with it, but atleast I presumably passed.
Because I really hated doing my thesis, I started thinking about my future and what I want to do with my life. Now, I finally have some kind of plan and a dream. Sounds cheesy, I know. But it feels nice to have a clear goal in life and I also have noticed that I get a lot more useful things done nowadays!
I started studying for matriculation last weekend and most of my time goes studying now, but I'll try to blog more often anyways! I think I wont be sane in May, if I don't do other things besides studying.
So yeap, thats all this time. I'll just end this with a selca I took yesterday. Take a good look at it and try to get used to seeing my face more often!
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Thank you Instagram for raping tha quality ♥ |
Buh Bye ~
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