Onto happier topics! I cut my hair shorter last monday! I was so nervous and worried how it would come out, but I really love it. I love that I don't have to wait forever for my hair to dry or brush my hair. I know, totally normal to brush your hair, yes, but when you have such a long, thick and dry hair as mine was, it is total pain it the ass. When you think you have gotten rid of all the frizzes, you still find more of them.
So here is a crappy Instagram picture of my old and new hair! The quality is terrible, I know.
My face on the before picture looks so mad and unhappy :DD But thats just because I took it in the morning and I'm not a morning person.
I should really get a new camera, so I would have something else than pictures taken with my phone or pictures straight from my Instagram. Atleast I'm going to get a new phone, so the phone pictures quality will become better. Oh well, it's good to have room for improvement!
Enjoy my phone quality selca from tuesday, bye o/
Thanks :3